The Valentina Lisitsa phenomenon: Some things that glitter on YouTube may actually be gold

YouTube phenom Valentina Lisitsa performs live on YouTube at 3 p.m. Eastern.

Ukrainian-born pianist Valentina Lisitsa is here to prove that the phenomenon of YouTube celebrity does not have to be a case of social media puffery. Continue reading

Daniel Barenboim’s label calls Toronto Beethoven fans for pop-up concert at Heliconian Hall

Beethoven and cultural-diversity advocate Daniel Barenboim.

Hot on the heels of Stewart Goodyear’s Saturday sonata marathon, Universal Music Canada is using one of our time’s most prominent Beethoven advocates, Daniel Barenboim, as an excuse to call on Toronto’s musicians — professional and amateur alike — to participate in an evening of music by Beethoven at Heliconian Hall. Continue reading